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Retail Consulting

Aalrik van Straten

Retail Consultant (Desenzano del Garda)


Mattia Alborghetti 

Retail Social Media Manager

Project Management

The world of Retail is made up of projects! We intervene at all levels and in all areas, with methodology and rigor. Our philosophy is to model the project together with our client and develop it with rhythm, concreteness and results.


Interim Management

Our experts intervene in presence starting from 1 day a week up to full time for periods from 2 to 12 months.

We cover positions of Retail Management, Retail Controller, Retail Project Manager, Business Developer, HR Manager, Social Media Manager


Optimization of store profitability

AVS Retail Consulting carries out scrupulous audits of the performance of a point of sale or a network of stores. The commercial model, the economic model and the internal (internal culture, employees, management) and external (reputation, image, customer) human aspects are evaluated. We have extensive experience in optimisation
of personnel costs.


Area Management

Contact with the stores, the teams and the customer are essential to ensure the quality standards of the stores. Area management costs companies a lot both in terms of salaries and travel expenses. AVS Retail Consulting provides professionals with proven experience to visit and supervise your sales network, improving the quality of listening, support and control and thus lowering costs (only the visiting days are paid).

Service available in Lombardy, Lazio, Veneto, Piedmont, Trentino, Emilia Romagna and Sicily.


Retail Social Media Management

Generate traffic in stores and increase brand awareness by creating content specifically for social media: TIKTOK,  Instagram, Linkedin.


Retail Social Media Management

Generate traffic in stores and increase brand awareness by creating content specifically for social media: TIKTOK,  Instagram, Linkedin.

Let's get to know each other

AVS Retail Consulting

Telefono e Whatsapp

+39 342 5198056


Milano (MI)

Desenzano del Garda (BS)

Indica il servizio desiderato e ti contatteremo.

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