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Aalrik van Straten

Retail Consultant (Desenzano del Garda)


Giorgia Bernardi

Brand Manager (Milan)

Create a franchise

AVS Retail Consulting assists entrepreneurs or companies who want to become franchisors. The Franchisor Pack needed to start a new franchise is based on the product/service, the concept, the partnership model. Together we define the winning formula for your brand in the best possible way.


Open a franchise

We are hunters of new franchise concepts. We help international brands (mainly French) to develop in Italy. We select the unique concepts that do not exist in Italy. AVS Retail Consulting elaborates the Business Plan with you and helps you in opening the points of sale.


Search and Selection of Affiliates

AVS Retail Consulting offers a Franchise Marketing Plan suited to the brand and its franchise formula. In addition to receiving affiliate requests, we select affiliates based on criteria defined with our customers.


Integrated Masterfranchise Solution

For international brands wishing to develop in Italy, we offer an integrated Masterfranchising service.

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