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Data controller
The data controller of the data collected through this site is 
Aalrik van Straten - VAT/Tax Code 04340470980 - viale Ettore Andreis 69, 25015 Desenzano del Garda (BS) - Italy  

Owner's email address:



Data processed and purposes of processing
a) data generated and collected by accessing the site and browsing it
The computer systems and software used to operate this site acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols including for example: IP addresses, operating system used, browser, device, etc.). The collection of this data takes place anonymously and without the addition of any other personal data for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the site by users and to make the site usable. We also use cookies to better target our advertising and to increase the efficiency of the service offered. 

b) data provided voluntarily by the user
The data processed by the Data Controller may include all or only some of the following data: name, surname, address of residence or domicile, telephone, email address, other data linked to one's investment intentions and related timing and any requests and additional notes that the user wants to communicate.
This data will be used to process a specific request addressed to the AVS Retail Consulting staff based on what is reported in the same by way of example (subscription to the newsletter, general request for information, request for quotes, request for information for a brand we represent, etc. .).

c) All data will also be used anonymously by AVS Retail Consulting for
  - carry out statistics and market analyses.


Nature of the contribution
Apart from what is specified for access and navigation data (point 2 letter a), the provision of data is optional but any refusal will make it impossible for AVS Retail Consulting to carry out all or part of the purposes referred to. above.


Data processing methods and retention times
The data collected will be processed using electronic or automated, IT and telematic tools, and/or through manual processing with logic strictly related to the above purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee their security in any case. The data is stored for the time necessary in compliance with the principle of minimizing data processing.
The Owner has no control over cookies entirely managed by third parties and does not have access to the information collected through these cookies.


Subjects authorized to process, be responsible for and communicate data
In addition to the Owner, in some cases, other parties involved in the organization of this Website (administrative, commercial staff, system administrators, etc.) may have access to the Data. or external parties (such as suppliers of third-party technical services, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) appointed, in the cases provided for by law, as Data Processors by the Data Controller.
The data collected may also be transferred abroad, to companies that are and are not part of our corporate group, even outside the European Union in the forms and methods provided for by current legislation, guaranteeing in any case an adequate level of protection.
In any case, personal data will never be disclosed or sold.


Rights of the interested party
At any time it is possible to access the data in our possession, oppose the processing or request the cancellation, modification or updating of all personal information collected by AVS Retail Consulting, exercising the right to limitation of processing and the right to portability of data. data, by sending an email to
As regards the data that has already been communicated by AVS Retail Consulting to its partners, what is reported in point 2 letter remains. b) or requests to assert the above rights must be addressed directly to such Partners.


The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


The data controller can be contacted by email or by telephone at +39 3425198056.

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